Once the countdown starts, you’ll need to jump on top of the BFG container in order to survive falling towards a laser trap. As you enter the room where the BFG is located, you’ll be identified as an unauthorized personnel, which will cause a countdown to begin. The BFG 9000 will be sitting within the container and looking extremely lonely. Once you find yourself in Lazarus Labs, you’ll eventually discover a locked container. The release of a new Doom means we have an all-new BFG 9000 to drool over, but where is it and how can you get your hands on it? Well - first off, you need to make your way through a good portion of the game before you can wield the BFG 9000 as you’ll need to make your way to Lazarus Labs in Mission 9. The BFG has been a staple of the Doom series ever since the original was released back in 1993, and there’s always been some form of the weapon available in each subsequent game.

There’s no weapon in the Doom series that’s as beloved and sought after as the Big F***ing Gun, better known as the BFG.